Mountain Lion Foundation Events and Webinars

August 6, 2020 @ 4:00PM — September 25, 2020 @ 5:30PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meet the Experts and Learn How to “Live on the Urban Edge.” Our summer and fall event and webinar season is now open! Don’t miss this exciting line up – Register now! (Times noted above are Eastern Standard Time)

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There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


Will Stolzenburg – Discussing Saving America’s Lion
September 24, 2020 at 1:00 - 2:30 PM PST, 2:00 - 3:30 PM MST, 3:00 - 4:30 PM CST,
4:00 -5:30 PM - EST with limited live Q&A afterwards.

Author of Heart of a Lion, Rat Island, Where the Wild Things Were and most recently Towpath’s Tail - Stolzenburg tells us he writes about animals, for three reasons: “Because I find them wondrous, and good for the soul. Because it haunts me to know how badly we treat so many of them. And because they deserve every voice, every compassionate ally we can muster on their behalf.” Join us for this lively and informative discussion.

How would it look—better yet, how would it feel—were America’s lion to reclaim its historic home, all the way to the Eastern Seaboard? Whatever fears that image might evoke, it is the more heartening prospect of an ecological and spiritual rewilding that inspires this discussion with author Will Stolzenburg. Will's book, Heart of a Lion, chronicles one pioneering lion’s heroic journey from the Black Hills of South Dakota to a highway in Connecticut, busting myths and championing coexistence all the way. Will's writing delivers conservation science with heart, offering glimpses into the emotional lives of the animals we so often fear and despise. His other books include Rat Island, Where the Wild Things Were, and his new children’s book, Towpath’s Tail. He says he’s always felt drawn to speak for that “maligned tribe of animals known as predators.” It’s fitting, then, that his work increasingly issues a call to kindness. Join us for this conversation about the science, heart, and hope of welcoming America’s lion back home.

Colby Anton, PhD – The Yellowstone Cougar Project
August 20, 2020
at 1:00 - 2:00 PM PST, 2:00 - 3:00 PM MST,
3:00 - 4:00 PM CST, 4:00 -5:00 PM - EST with limited live Q&A afterwards.

Colby Anton is a native of the Bay Area of California and has been studying large carnivores for over a decade throughout the West. Since 2009, he has contributed to large predator research in Yellowstone National Park. For his dissertation research, he implemented a noninvasive genetic sampling project to estimate cougar populations in northern Yellowstone and deployed cutting edge tri-axial accelerometer collars to monitor cougar and gray wolf predatory behaviors. This collaborative research has contributed yet another piece to the growing knowledge base that surrounds the diverse Yellowstone ecological landscape.

Like most predators in western North America, cougars in the Yellowstone region suffered population declines following intensive eradication programs in the early 1900s. After a fifty-year absence, cougars re-emerged in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) in the 1980s. Dr. Anton will discuss key findings from nearly thirty years of cougar research that has shed light not only on their cryptic behavioral patterns and ecological relationships with other large mammals but also the cutting-edge technological advances employed to study large carnivores in the world’s first national park.

Mark Elbroch, PhD – The Cougar Conundrum - Sharing the World with a Successful Predator - A Conversation about Cougars
August 6, 2020 at 1:00 - 2:00 PM Pacific Time (2:00 - 3:00 PM MST,
3:00 - 4:00 PM CST, 4:00 -5:00 PM - EST).
There will be a limited live Q&A afterwards.

Mountain lion biologist and expert Dr. Mark Elbroch, in his just released book: The Cougar Conundrum, delivers a resource for how humans and mountain lions can peacefully coexist in close proximity. Dr. Elbroch calls on readers to ignore uninformed hype and instead arm ourselves with knowledge and become active participants in the creation of cougar conservation management strategies.

Join the Mountain Lion Foundation for a conversation with Dr. Elbroch who will talk about his book and describe an animal that is curious, cautious, resilient, and generally peaceful toward humans. Dr. Elbroch will highlight the many ways cougars enrich and support healthy ecosystems, upon which we too depend. He will discuss what powerful hunter’s cougars are and will touch on the realities of human safety in their presence.

Get an advanced copy of his new book The Cougar Conundrum at 20% below the retail price! Click on the link below and enter the Promo Code COUGAR (all caps) at check out. Use promo code at